Noise commands allow users to insert parenthetical remarks into the dialogue of a conference. Here's an example:
The noise command 'GROWL BIG BROTHER' will produce this on your screen:
<You are growling at Big Brother>
Big Brother will see:
<v01} is growling at you>
Everyone else will see:
<v01} is growling at Big Brother>
Some noises are commands all by themselves; some require that you do the action 'to' someone; some require an 'object' of your action. Many of the noise commands may be used in more than one of these ways, depending on whether you supply additional information. If you are unsure, just enter the command, and you will be prompted for the "optional" information.
When prompted for a user to do an action 'to', you may use his 'port#' instead of his handle if you wish. However, he must be in the same conference room as you are. If you wish for only that person to see your noise (secretly), put a '-' in front of the command (like '-GROWL BIG BROTHER').
Do you want a list of available noises? g1}t71 #Y}jn +02}
Here's a condensed list of the noises currently available:
add ahem applaud apol back backrub bcatch bcar bdef
bearhug bed bite blink blush body bow brag brb
bslam bslap btoss burp bye caress chant cheer chop